Saturday, 1 January 2011

Study reveals even New Year's "party in my pants" is anti-climax

New research has revealed that even a New Year's "party in my pants" is an anti-climax.

The study was carried out by scientists who were intrigued by the constant association with New Year's Eve and an anti-climax.

Scientists conducted the study on male participants by inviting two females to a party in their pants and observing all three's reaction to the party.

The study found that the party ended rather prematurely for the male participants who got overexcited by the occasion, eventually falling asleep. This meant that the two females felt unsatisfied by the whole experience and went off to did their own thing.

Dr. Wolfgang von Pervert, who was in charge of the study, said, "A party in someone's pants is often a great experience for the male, made even better by females accepting the invitation."

"However, the grand occasion of New Year's Eve seemed to make the male participant anxious and overwhelmed. This led to disappointment for both the male and female participants."

"Ultimately this study proved that New Year's Eve is always an anti-climax, no matter what the party."

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