The world's wealthiest director Michael Bay is set to direct a new film that only features explosions and loud noises. The film entitled 'BOOM' follows the main character played by Steven Seagal, as he tries to escape stuff blowing up around him.
The film also features a series of extravagant special effects, which combined with the never-ending explosions and Michael Bay's huge wage, left only a small amount of budget for decent writers and actors. Luckily the film does not feature any dialogue, with Steven Seagal muttering only a few words throughout the film which include: 'DAMN!', 'SHIT!' and 'NO WAY!'
Despite the film containing limited storyline, plot or dialogue, it is set to be a box office smash as Bay cleverly taps into the retarded redneck audience in America that like explosions and loud noises. Lets hope it can reach the heady heights of Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen.
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