Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Facebook Couple: Part 3

In part three of the Facebook Couple they have reached the big day and are getting married. Naturally, even though their nearest and dearest are actually all gathered to witness the event with their own eyes, they still see fit to halt proceedings to let everyone else at home know what's going on. It's a big day, and they MUST show off in order to make clear to the world just how in love they are.

In a church on the Wedding Day. The Guy is at the altar waiting and chatting barely audibly to his best man. He pulls out his phone and types and talks.

Guy: is standing at the altar under the eyes of our ever loving God waiting to marry my angel. Happiest day of my life smiley face.

A girl sitting in one of the pews goes on her phone and lets out an audible “awww” and types and talks.

Pew girl: babe that’s so sweet, hope you have a great day you are both stars and angels and God is watching over you always and forever mwah kiss kiss.

At the altar the guy twiddles his thumbs a while longer before checking his phone again. He types and talks.

Guy: Thanks hun, can’t believe I’m getting married in a matter of minutes. Crazy times. Better go, bride is here! Lol.

‘Here Comes the Bride’ starts to play and everyone stands. The bride enters on the arm of her Father looking radiant. During her slow walk she pulls out her phone and types and talks.

Girl: is walking up the aisle to marry my prince charming. OMG can’t fucking believe it rofl. Hope I don’t look fat in my dress.

A vast majority of the women in attendance pull out their phones and all start to type and talk:

-Babe you look like an angel
-OMG hun you look so beautiful
-You look soooo hot girl

After she gets to the altar and smiles at the groom the service begins, but we cut to the end where they kiss to seal the deal. They start to walk back down the aisle but both pull out their phones and type and talk.

Guy: is hitched lol…bring on the honeymoon winking face. Gonna smash that wife ass.

Girl: just got married smile face. Bring on the rest of our lives kiss kiss.

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