Wednesday, 21 July 2010

'WEHELPWANKERS' charity appeal

This is a sketch of a charity appeal for a fictional charity called 'WEHELPWANKERS'. The idea came from watching a Panorama episode about the recession and how it's affecting the "forgotten middle-class". It even mentioned a charity that helps the middle-class during tough economic times. Who would donate to that?!

Also I saw a Daily Mail article about some poor bloke that can't shop in Harrods anymore because he's not earning as much money as he was before and instead has to shop in Sainsbury's! ARRRRGGGGHHHH! WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY??????!!!!!!

This got us thinking of a sketch that appealed for help to people like bankers or those who are well-off but now receiving less money in their jobs as a result of the recession. So here it is!

'WEHELPWANKERS' charity appeal

A blank screen appears with the words “An urgent appeal to the charitable members of British society.” Slow, emotional music plays over a montage of pictures of city workers in economic strife.

The shot fades into a serious looking man dressed in a suit.

Good day to you. As I am sure you are aware we have all been hit with troublesome financial times of late. Amidst all of the confusion and accusations, however, a certain subsection of society has been forgotten, cruelly left behind to pick up the pieces of their shattered lives. Here is just one example: Roy used to shop in Harrods every week, but his banking bonus get cancelled 6 months ago, and now he can only afford to shop in Waitrose and sometimes even Sainsburys. He has even had to momentarily consider buying products from the Basics range. Imagine if that was you; having a bonus stopped like that. Regardless of the fact Roy pissed away millions of other people’s money, this sort of suffering cannot continue. Please do all you can to help people like Roy who will continue to suffer this inhumanity unless people like you intervene. All it requires is a small monthly donation to 'WEHELPWANKERS' charity, so we can help people like Roy shop in Harrods again. One day, his dreams can come true. Please help us.

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