Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Osborne to cut Fridays after Rebecca Black song

Chancellor George Osborne has revealed that he will be axing Fridays after listening to the song "Friday" by Rebecca Black.

The song has evoked the Chancellor's anger after Ken Clarke showed him the video on YouTube.

After listening to the song, which includes lyrics making reference to the decision making process behind choosing the front or back seat of a car, Osborne vowed to cut Fridays.

Sources close to the Chancellor said, "George thought Fridays were a great part of the week that millions of Britons look forward to on a regular basis. However, after listening to Rebecca Black's song he feels a strong anger towards Fridays and wants them cut immediately."

The plan to cut Friday is likely to lead to anger from the public, but Osborne has urged them to listen to the song "Friday" so they can understand his decision.

In a statement George Osborne said, "I love Fridays, but after listening to that song by Rebecca Black I just have a really strong feeling to punch Friday in the face."

He continued, "I don't care what she does on a Friday. I don't know why 13 year olds are driving a car. I don't "know it" even though she says I do. I don't know why a rapper appeared from nowhere during the song. I fucking hate it!"

In further news a recent poll has revealed that Rebecca Black is now as popular as Colonel Gaddafi.

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