Wednesday, 9 March 2011

William Hague gatecrashes Libyan embassy party

Foreign secretary William Hague has gate-crashed a party despite being invited by the Libyan embassy.

Instead of entering the party through the entrance and showing his invite to security, Mr Hague decided to hire a crack team of SAS specialists to help him break in.

However, the break-in didn't go to plan, as secruity caught the team after discovering a suspicious group of men trying to invade the premises.

Once caught the foreign secretary tried to reason with security and the Libyan embassy by claiming he was invited to the event, but they rejected this claim and ordered him and his team to leave. Overall the mission was a complete and utter fuck up.

A spokesperson from the Libyan embassy said, "I don't know why Mr Hague decided to embark on this mission to try and infriltrate our premises. He was invited to the event, there was no need to invade. We would have welcomed him with open arms!"

Other MPs have started to questions Mr Hague's judgment on attending parties and accepting invites. One MP said, "I certainly will not be inviting him to my 50th - I don't want a group of SAS men trying to invade my party."

William Hague has been asked to respond on the failed mission but was too busy being trapped in a closest to comment.

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