Ext. Two men dressed in immaculate three piece suits are walking down a street. They approach a bin that is overflowing with rubbish, with a couple of full up bin bags resting beside the bin as well. One of them stops in his tracks with an awestruck look on his face. He holds his arm out to block the path of his companion.
Man 2: What is it?
Man 1: Look at this exquisite piece of work!
The previously unaware Man 2 now sees the bin as well. He is struck dumb with awe just like Man 1.
Man 2: My word, look at the - beauty –
Man 1: It’s a beacon of hope and purity in a social wasteland awash with mediocrity.
Man 2 groans with pleasure and kneels down to get a better angle.
Man 2: It’s all of that and so much more; it simultaneously encapsulates the tumult and chaos of Britain during the civil war years, but also the upheaval caused by all of the privatisation of public services in Great Britain in the 1980s. It’s a phenomenal work.
Man 1 groans orgasmically, and gets down on all fours, moving in close to the bin-bags beside the bin so he can sniff them. A man walks towards them from behind, just passing them by in the street. He notes their actions with bemusement.
Passer-by: It’s rubbish, mate.
Man 1 and Man 2 look at each and sigh with disappointment.
Man 1: Some people just don’t get art, do they?
Man 2 groans in agreement.
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