Thursday, 7 April 2011

Businessman John: Sketch Three

Another friend of Businessmen John runs into some money problems. Will John help him out? Or, just make him a "once in a lifetime offer"?

Int. One of Businessman John’s friends is talking to John looking very distressed and upset.

Friend: John, mate, I’ve run into some money problems. I know this is cheeky, but you’re a good mate, and well….I was wondering if you could lend me some money. Just for me to get back on my feet. I’ll pay you back as soon as I get more money coming in.

John: That’s great Steven, because today is the start of a new loan deal for a limited time only.

Friend: Great, great. So when do you reckon you’ll be able to loan me the money?

John: Just hold on there my friend. First, let me tell you a bit more about the package I’m offering you. I will give you one lump sum and not expect that money back for a year where you can get your money together and pay me back at a time suitable for you (Coughs out small print terms and conditions, something like 100 per cent interest rate after a month).

Friend: What was that mate?

John: I said it’s a great offer that is only open for a limited time. It’s like I’m throwing money away (Chucks money in the air then quickly picks it up).

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