Not everyone is the same, obviously. But there is a certain type of homosexual, the type that started the stereotype, that can get away with absolute murder. He can say whatever he wants and most women will laugh in absolute hysterics because for some reason, when filth comes out of a gay man's mouth, it's hilarious and witty.
Int. At a social gathering. Everyone is sitting around drinking wine and engaging in pleasant conversation. One of the hosts, the wife, brings round some cakes for people to enjoy. Among these cakes are various sticky buns. One man sees them and his face lights up.
Man: Phwoar Carol, I’ve always fantasised about seeing your sticky buns.
All of the women in the room stop talking and cast scowls in his direction. Various comments that can be heard are “Oh what a chauvinistic pig” and “I thought we’d advanced beyond this type thing.” The man looks suitably embarrassed and slides into his seat sulkily. The door bell rings and Carol goes to answer it.
Carol: Oh hi Anthony, come in, come in. Everybody, I’d like you to meet Anthony.
Everyone: Hi Anthony.
Anthony steps into the room looking around. He does not look impressed.
Anthony: Jesus it’s dead in here! This is looks even less fun than when I got sucked off in the toilets of the club last week. Urgh. But then again, with the way this room looks it's no surprise – this wallpaper is absolute shit, and the sofas are just a fucking insult to your guests. What prick picked them out for fuck sake? Oh and I’m sorry love, but that blouse looks absolutely diabolical on you, I mean you’ve got no tits to fill it out for starters. I think you should go home before everyone is sick. And mate, those shoes – they are an absolute travesty, I should kill children right now so they don't grow up with your taste. I think I’ve just walked into a room full of twats here.
Everyone is shocked, sitting open mouthed in disgust. Carol looks around smiling but then realises the confusion.
Carol: Oh it’s ok everyone, Anthony is gay – he’s a homosexual.
The women in the room all sigh with relief and start to laugh.
Woman 1: Oh we should have known, he’s so witty and funny.
Woman 2: It’s just too subtle sometimes, not like Mr. Caveman over there (she points at the man who had commented previously. He looks bemused by the whole situation).
The women start to gather around Anthony, their new best friend.
Woman 1: What do you think of these tights?
Anthony: Shit.
Woman 2: Do these shoes go with this top?
Anthony: No. Both shit.
Woman 1: Awww, I love your honesty, you’re so funny.
Anthony smiles broadly and grabs Woman 1’s breasts. Everyone laughs in hysterics, except the men who just sit with confused looks on their faces.
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