Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Club Mascot (Episode Six) - Synopsis

The episode starts with Frank getting into a minor scuffle with Stu after he gets Frank in trouble with a customer. Barbara intervenes before it gets serious and calls Frank into his office. Barbara then offers Frank a new higher position at the call centre, which he turns down because it would involve him working full-time - something he never wanted to do in the first place. When Frank rejects the job, Barbara offers him the proposition of keeping his current job if he sleeps with her. Frank says no which leads to Barbara sacking him on the spot.

Frank then goes to the job centre to sign on, however, he is prevented from doing so by a difficult job centre worker and job centre bureaucracy. Eventually Frank walks out claiming nothing’s worth that much trouble.

Anton then persuades Frank to come to the sexual health clinic with him as moral support, as he’s worried he may have caught something from having sex with Nicola. Anton reveals he and Nicola have never wore condoms, as, according to Nicola, “condoms are for pussies”. This leads to an angry nurse confronting Anton for his stupidity and Anton asks the nurse how his penis size compares to other patients, with the whole scene creating a disturbing mental image for Frank.

After the sexual health clinic Anton reveals to Frank that he’s becoming the club mascot for Crawley Town Football Club, as he sees this as a way to finally woo Nicola. Anton thinks that by becoming a part of the football club Nicola will end the open relationship and make it truly monogamous. Frank does suggest that this could lead to Nicola having unrivalled access to Crawley Town footballers and will probably help the relationship remain open, however, this is shrugged off by Anton as “rubbish.”

Frank then goes for a job interview for a sales role. The interview has Frank selling make-up outside Poundland, which he fails miserably at and is constantly put down by the interviewer for his lack of sales. On his lunch break he meets Anne-Marie and they go for coffee, as Frank decides not to go back to the interview.

For their first date Frank and Anne-Marie decide to go to watch Crawley Town at the Broadfield, as Anton is working as the club mascot for the very first time. At the football match Frank constantly tries to tell Anne-Marie how he feels but can’t because of all the noise and the unromantic surroundings, eventually giving up.

During half-time Anton comes onto the pitch as the mascot, however, he nearly starts a mini-riot, as he tries to fight the away fans, who chuck bottles at him. Frank is embarrassed and looks away in disgust.

After the match Frank and Anne-Marie go behind the scenes to meet Anton and congratulate him on his debut as a mascot. As Frank is waiting for Anne-Marie, he hears noises from the physio room. Going to investigate he finds one of the Crawley Town footballers having sex with Nicola.

Frank and Anne-Marie then meet up with Anton who’s ecstatic. Anton goes into a deep monologue about love conquering all and lets slip about how much in love Frank is with Anne-Marie. Frank looks horrified by this revelation, as he hasn’t told Anne-Marie his true feelings. Anton then leaves to try and find Nicola.

Frank and Anne-Marie walk back home, with Anne-Marie questioning what Anton meant by the previous comment. Frank skirts around the subject before deciding to blurt all of his feelings for her all at once. The camera goes to Anne-Marie’s face that is a mixture of excitement, shock and extreme worry. This is how Series 1 of ‘I’m Not Enjoying This’ ends.

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